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Dress Code

Dress Code

Lee Co Pre-K is an active and fun place to learn. Children paint, glue, play in the sand and water, and play outdoors each day, weather permitting. Comfortable clothing that you and your child don’t mind getting dirty are a must!

Make sure your child’s clothes are easy to pull up and down for restroom needs and fasteners are easily manipulated. Tennis shoes work best for all activities. If your child is wearing a dress please make sure they have shorts on underneath.

The following are considered inappropriate for students to wear to school:

  1. Flip flops, all sandals/shoes without heel straps, shoes with high thick heels, skate shoes or cleats
  2. Hoop or dangling earrings
  3. Short-shorts or short dresses
  4. Halter tops, spaghetti straps, shirts that show the midriff


Please send a change of clothes in a clear ziploc bag labeled with their name. Make sure to include socks and underwear. We will send clothes home to change out as the season changes or your child outgrows them. As accidents occur, we will work with your child to clean themselves up. If it is an extreme case you may be called to assist your child. Messy clothes will be placed in a plastic bag and sent home in the book bag. It is important that you check the bag each night and send a replacement change of clothes with the child the next day in a labeled ziploc bag.